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or new gigs in the KINGDOM,
and you think everyone should know,
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Call the Editor on 01-6173582

BY THE WAY..........


The Childrens' Jazz Soundation is a charitable organisation comprising working musicians and other volunteers based in Thailand - and eventually elsewhere in Asia - who donate their time and part of what they earn playing music, to finance special care and assistance for children victimised by poverty or circumstances beyond their control.

The Childrens' Jazz Soundation also aspires to introduce children and adults to the rich, colourful and expressive world of jazz music, and to provide the broader community with a positive and productive view of jazz as an artform which entertains, liberates and motivates.

The Soundation seeks to organise concerts, performances, workshops, and to sponsor jazz fellowships and musical education, all with the help and support of generous, like-minded corporate donors. The core objectives of the Soundation are to entertain the public at large, to promote jazz as an artform, and to raise funds for the charitable support of poor children.

The Soundation has strict codes of membership, conduct and professionalism, supervised by a committee of professional musicians and trusted community representatives. Funds raised are donated to established charities focussed on the welfare of children, with only expenses deducted from any contribution or fee, to defray costs of a performance or travel thereto, or towards other practical and valid costs.

The Soundation has no full time staff and works only with established charities, registered or otherwise, which share the same objective of keeping administrative costs to a minimum, thus allowing the lion's share of any funds raised to reach the children supported by the Soundation.

The Soundation has no religious or political affiliations, nor does it exempt any child in need of assistance or care, on the grounds of religion, race or creed.